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Selasa, 23 November 2010

Alcohol Facts

Alcohol Facts

Here is one of the important facts of alcohol abuse in the fact that many people do not understand. Apart from the fact that some of the destructive effects of excessive and abusive drinking is known for over 2000 years, alcohol abuse millions of people around the world suffer from alcohol abuse and alcohol. While alcohol abuse and irresponsible definitely a long-term negative consequences effects of alcohol abuse and alcoholism facts indicate that one of the most dangerous result of heavy drinking of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning depends on your blood alcohol concentration. Alcohol poisoning occurs when an individual consumes alcohol is much more than that or her body can handle. Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol poisoning death.

Harmful and Beneficial Aspects of Drinking Alcohol 

image: young woman in bar drinking a mixed drinkDespite the fact that alcohol has been used in a number of ways throughout history that can be called "beneficial" or positive, it is enlightening to note that thousands of years ago it was also realized that abusive drinking resulted in negative personal and social problems.

For example, a Chinese manuscript written approximately 650 B.C. was recently found which articulated how difficult it was for people to do without beer and also included warnings about the "abuse" of beer.

A few hundred years later, furthermore, Aristotle and Plato, two of the more famous ancient Greek philosophers, explicitly criticized public displays of drunkenness.

Paradoxically, despite the fact that basic "alcohol information" and alcohol abuse facts such as the negative consequences of excessive alcohol has been known for centuries, alcohol poisoning, fetal alcohol syndrome, binge drinking, alcohol abuse, and alcoholism continue to destroy human lives in our "enlightened" and "aware" world.

In short, alcohol abuse and alcoholism facts such as these paint a dreary picture of the alcohol awareness of many people in our society.

Alcohol Abuse Facts: Alcohol Poisoning 

Alcohol poisoning, also known as alcohol overdose, is a dangerous and sometimes fatal result of drinking substantially more alcohol than the body can process. It is important to mention, furthermore, that binge drinking (consuming four or more alcoholic beverages at one sitting for females and ingesting five or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting for males) can also lead to alcohol poisoning. And one of the alcohol abuse facts that a lot of people apparently do not understand is that even if an individual gets drunk just one time per year, this one-time "binge" can result in alcohol poisoning. Stated differently, alcohol abuse and alcoholism research shows that an individual can experience alcohol poisoning if he or she is an alcohol abuser or an alcoholic.

Alcohol Poisoning and Blood Alcohol Concentration 

The effects of the alcohol on your body depend on the amount of alcohol in your blood (known as blood alcohol concentration) (BAC) or blood alcohol level. 

Factors that affect your blood alcohol concentration include the following:

  • How fast your body metabolizes the alcohol
  • How much food is in your stomach at the time you drink
  • How strong the alcoholic drink is
  • How quickly you consume the alcoholic drink
  • How much alcohol you ingest

As uncovered by alcohol abuse and alcoholism research, no matter how obvious the problem seems to those around the alcoholic, the alcohol dependent person loudly denies that drinking is the cause, and usually blames the circumstances or people around them instead.

Alcohol Poisoning and the Interaction with Other Drugs 

It must be emphasized that alcohol can also be hazardous, can lead to an overdose, and can be fatal in smaller amounts if it is used in combination with the following drugs:
  • Various anti-seizure medications (such as phenobarbital)
  • Sedatives (examples include cannabis, tranquilizers, and barbiturates
  • Narcotic pain medications (such as darvocet, heroin, opium, codine, and codine derivatives)
According to the alcohol abuse facts uncovered by alcohol research, most alcohol and drug treatment centers have counselors who are trained to help families prepare for the confrontation, which always takes place in a "controlled" environment, specifically selected to put the problem drinker in a position in which he or she is most likely to listen and agree to treatment.

The Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning 

Typically, the first symptom of alcohol poisoning is nausea, followed by vomiting.  These symptoms are signals from your body letting you know that you drank more alcohol than your body can metabolize.  Other characteristic symptoms of alcohol poisoning include difficulty awakening the person, slurred speech, confusion, unconsciousness (passing out), blue-tinged skin or pale skin, Absent reflexes, confusion, and seizures.

According to alcohol abuse and alcoholism research and alcohol abuse facts, television advertising changes attitudes about drinking. Young people report more positive feelings about drinking and their own likelihood to drink after viewing alcohol ads.

Alcohol Poisoning and Getting Immediate Medical Help 

The most difficult aspect of alcohol poisoning is making the "correct" decision to get immediate medical assistance.  If a person who has been drinking heavily continues to fall asleep, waken him or her. If the individual does not respond promptly to your efforts to awaken him or her, call the police emergency number (911) and ask for immediate medical help.

Here's one of the most disturbing alcoholism and alcohol abuse facts.  Young people ages 18 to 25 have the highest prevalence of binge drinking (38.7 percent) and heavy drinking (13.6 percent), with a peak rate (48.2 percent for binge and 17.8 percent or heavy drinking) occurring at age 21, according to the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.

Alcoholism Videos 

image: man in rage from binge drinkingWe have included some alcoholism videos so that you can see and hear directly from various people about their struggles with this disease.  If you, a family member, or one of your friends has a "drinking problem," seeing what others have gone through and how they attained successful recovery and uncovered basic alcohol abuse facts is much more "real" than any information you can read about.

Furthermore, watching these videos may help you understand some additional alcohol facts, what others with a drinking problem are experiencing, and how other people faced their alcohol abuse and alcoholism.  So make sure you look at these excellent videos!

Alcohol Facts:  Conclusion 

image: nurse checking status of male alcohol abuser One of the key alcoholism and alcohol abuse facts is that many of the dangerous effects of abusive and irresponsible drinking have been identified and discussed for hundreds if not thousands of years. 

Ironically, despite this "alcohol awareness," millions of people in the industrialized countries of the world suffer from alcohol abuse and alcoholism each year.

While abusive and excessive drinking lead to numerous long-term negative and hazardous outcomes, perhaps the most dangerous result of excessive drinking is alcohol poisoning. 

According to alcoholism and alcohol abuse facts, alcohol poisoning is a function of how much alcohol is in your blood, a measure known as blood alcohol concentration or blood alcohol level.  

Alcohol poisoning takes place when a person drinks substantially more alcohol than his or her body can metabolize.  Regrettably, alcohol poisoning can be deadly.

My Lenses 

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