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Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

japan reactor

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breeder reactors

"In the coming hours, it could further catastrophic events that could threaten the lives of people on the island," said Commissioner Günther Oettinger, a committee of the European Parliament said."There is no panic, but Tokyo, with 35 million inhabitants, the largest metropolis in the world," he said.breeder reactorsIf prompted, his spokesman said his prediction of disaster in the next few hours to a certain non-privileged.Oettinger-experts are largely a mixture of reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the international media to monitor the nuclear crisis in Japan.He said the NPP was "effectively out of control", not with the cooling functions. "Accordingly, we are somewhere between a disaster and a major disaster," he said.monjuSince the outbreak of the crisis to try Oettinger quickly proposed a pan-European response in an area where the European Commission has intervened only rarely in the past forged.Nuclear policy has been to Europe before the 27 Member States on a government by the government on the left.The European Union and Switzerland have 148 nuclear reactors between them, japan nuclear powerincluding 19 boiling water reactors in Fukushima are used in Japan, but only two of them with a similar design, says industry body Foratom.Oettinger said not all of the EU, with 143 nuclear stress tests are passed, it expects to achieve in the coming months.Oettinger men, was formerly governor of Baden-Württemberg in Germany, was appointed Commissioner of Energy in January 2010.His focus was on the reform of Europe's energy infrastructure to renewable energy sources to accept more

Japan Reactor: Video of new explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant
by RussiaToday | video info

371 ratings | 887,101 views
Follow latest updates at and The situation at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan worsens as a second explosion is reported, intensifying fears of the possibility of nuclear meltdown triggered by last week's huge earthquake. At least seven are missing with several others hurt after the blast - which is not however believed to have pierced the structure containing the reactor's core.
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Kashiwazaki Kariwa was closed in July 2007 after a powerful earthquake, the removal of some 7965 MW of capacity available. After extensive shutdowns for inspections and repairs, unit sixth and 7 continued to work in August and May 2009 respectively. The remaining five units remain offline.JAIF suggests that, with the exception of Kashiwazaki Kariwa units 1 to 5, the average load factor for the reactor in Japan's fiscal year 2009 is a more respectable 74.2%.Some 277500000000 kWh of electricity by the Japanese nuclear power plant in FY2009, up 7.5% to 258 billion kWh generated in FY 2008th This is the third consecutive year in which the generation is less than 300 billion kWh. Historically, nuclear power provides approximately 30% of Japan's electricity and is expected to rise to 40% by 2017.Globally, the capacity factors of boiling water reactors and pressure as the industry in Japan is around 85% mark. Most of the reactor operating at about 100% capacity in 12 - or 18-month stretch between the tank, along with power outages due to maintenance or unexpected network, occur rarely. The exception is France, where the amount of nuclear energy on a network requires a reactor on and off with the question.

Nuclear Power Plant Fire in Japan
by NTDTV | video info

26 ratings | 66,891 views
CHAN: Today a fire broke out at the world's biggest nuclear plant located in northern Japan… but company officials say it was extinguished without leaking any radioactive materials. The fire occurred inside a cooling pump at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant's No.1 nuclear unit in Niigata. It was extinguished within 30 minutes. A worker who spotted the fire suffered minor facial burns. The plant is run by the Tokyo Electric Power Company or TEPCO. This was the eighth fire to occur at the nuclear plant. It also happens to be the world's biggest capacity plant… but has been closed after sustaining damage in an earthquake in July 2007. The plant has seven nuclear generators.
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How not to build a nuclear power plant
The plutonium in the first atomic bombs was measured in the ounces, but these breeder reactors made it available by the ton, creating more fuel than they consumed. In the 1950s, Edward Teller developed technology that would go a long way toward ...
Rare look inside a nuclear reactor
A control room in 1952 at a US reactor. Technicians test a disc of irradiated plastic for hardness in 1954 at the Arco Breeder Reactor in Idaho. A universal coffin is used to remove test samples from a reactor at the Arco Breeder Reactor in Idaho.
A Culture of Secrecy
In 1995, the Monju experimental fast-breeder reactor sprung a massive leak of liquid sodium, and it was later discovered that the semi-governmental agency that ran it had actually falsified the video of the event. Earlier on in the 1990s, ...
Safety of Nuclear reactors in India
The country is involved in the development of nuclear fusion reactors through its participation in the ITER project and is a global leader in the development of thorium-based fast breeder reactors. India's domestic uranium reserves are small and the ...

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