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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

ww2 hitler

world war 2

"But even when Langer was wrong, and they get proven wrong, he is often in the right direction. world war 2 Consider his suggestion that Hitler's grandfather was a Jew. There is no reason to believe the incredible stories told Langer informant that Hitler's grandmother Maria Anna Gruber Schickel, a farmer was in her forties Waldvietral rural Austria, intimate relationship with Baron Rothschild of Vienna. world war two But Hitler was worried that it from the Jewish grandfather and his personal lawyer, Hans Frank, the father of the background investigation could be blackmailed.war world 2 Frank has done and said that his grandmother was pregnant leaders while working as a maid in a Jewish household in Graz.

war world ii
The facts of this case are in dispute and the dispute. The main point of the psychological and historical importance is not whether it is true that Hitler had a Jewish grandfather, but he thinks it could be true. He stopped to think and have the form and his personality and his public policy.6

It is possible that Hitler discovered his Jewish origins and their relationship to the Rothschilds and to make its enormous power, or break European governments, reestablished contact with his family. This would partly explain the overwhelming support he closely entwined in the international banking fraternity, with the Rothschild family, as was received to power.

One thing is for sure. Hitler started the Second World War by the movement in Austria first. It was rumored that he left the country for two reasons. First, he wanted to silence Dolfuss Hitler thought he knew that the offspring of Rothschild, and secondly, he wanted to remove all traces of their origin from the Austrian media.

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